Hunter Solo: Sindragosa

Durendil at Hunter Soloing: I probably would have thought her impossible, except for a small thing. A year ago, I was 3-manning ICC. After multiple tries, we killed her. How? Phase 3. Palatank dies. Mage gets aggro. Mage dies. So I switch pets and try to finish her off. But she had like 5% hp remaining. She casts frost tomb. Again. And again. So I killed her. But I never understood why she hadn’t frost-tombed me. So, when I started testing her last week, I decided to find out what makes you a tank.

So, my tries told me that:
-FD didn’t save me from frost tombs.
-if I grabbed aggro before she took off (by dismissing my pet), she would frost-tomb me.
-but sometimes she wouldn’t
I quickly figured out that she didn’t frost-tomb me if she melee’d me beforehand.
Besides, she didn’t frost-tomb me the time I was merely at 5% aggro, having FD 5 seconds before.
I luckily got a try where she didn’t frost-tomb me in phase 3 for a while. So I made a video and analysed it.

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See Hunter Soloing, from Classic to Cataclysm: Tips, Guides, Strategies, and Videos for a complete selection of guides to hunter soloing including hunter soloing builds as well as boss-specific strategies and videos for hunters.

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