The Grumpy Elf: Leveling in Mists

The Grumpy Elf: Okay folks, the countdown is on.  Less than a week until we are playing in pandaland and any obsessive compulsive about leveling like me has to get their things in order and check them over at least three or four times.

The actual getting ready in game I started early on.  I cleared out my bags, both the ones on my characters and the ones in my banks.  I  got rid of anything that was not worth keeping.  I sent all types of things to their specific character that handles them and anything that didn’t fit someone in particular to my bank character.  In the end space and how you use it is the most important thing with leveling.  I will go into all of that with my explanation of prepping for leveling and leveling advice to those new to expansion leveling in the following. . . . Read full article

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