5.3 PTR: Darkspear Rebellion Rewards – Tallgrass Guerilla Set

Beastmaster look alike

Perculia at the Wowhead Blog reported that the Darkspear Rebellion is now on the 5.3 PTR.  Players can purchase Latent Kor’kron Armor pieces from Ravika, the Darkspear Rebellion Quartermaster, in return for Kor’kron resources acquired from killing mobs and looting crates.  Latent armor can be transformed into item level 476  armor by combining it with Radical Mojo (rewarded from a weekly quest). The latent armor pieces are BoE, while the Radical Mojo needed to complete them is BoP.

The hunter set is named Tallgrass Guerilla and resembles the Dungeon Set 2 Beastmaster gear.

See 5.3 PTR: Darkspear Rebellion Vanity Rewards, Razor Hill Takeover at the Wowhead blog for more details on the Tallgrass Guerilla set.

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