WHU: Cupcake Tribute

cupcake tribute

Frostheim at Warcraft Hunters Union: As some of you know (those of you who follow me on Twitter), I’m in the midst of planning a move. For my day job, I accepted an awesome new position at a company in Boston (currently in Minnesota) and I’ve been frantically doing all the stuff you need to do to move across the country — well as much of it as I can get done while still working at my current job.

Today is my last day at BestBuy.com, and I arrived in the office to see this waiting for me. Yes, not only do all my co-workers know I play WoW, they also know enough to do a Google image search for “Frostheim’s Cloak” to include the Recovered Cloak of Frostheim on the cupcake tribute.

So even in the midst of corporate America, I’m known as a hunter blogger! . . . read full article

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