WHU: Blue Post on Mists Class DPS Spread

Frostheim at Warcraft Hunters Union: A lot of players are complaining about class balance in Mists of Pandaria, and this is mostly due to the increasing awareness of Simulationcraft, which shows the top dps ranking of every spec and shows a huge spread between the guys on top and the guys on bottom. Despite the fact that the Simulationcraft website has warnings that this is just beta and not necessarily final numbers, most players treat the numbers like gospel and start complaining loudly when their class is behind.

This reminds me very much of an old quote from Ghostcrawler about how while they value everyone’s opinion, just because you use someone else’s theorycrafting tool doesn’t make you a theorycrafter yourself. For a while Blizzard has been asking people to give actual in-game data or math behind theorycrafting rather than just citing what someone else says, and now they’ve finally stepped it up by showing some numbers themselves. . . . read full article

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